AcroYoga Workshop
15.04. - 01.01.1970AcroYoga v sobě spojuje duchovní moudrost jógy a jemnost Thajské masáže s dynamikou akrobacie.
Sophie & Wilfried jsou zkušení lektoři jógy, kteří přijedou do Prahy do Wellness Yoga studia na 3-denní workshop.
1. Den – Seznámení se s AcroYogou
– pátek 15. dubna od 20-22 hodin – 720,- CZK/student 600,- CZK
2. Den – Polibek Zemi s “Terapeutickým létáním”
– sobota 16. dubna od 10 – 17.30 – 1.560,- CZK/1.440,- CZK student
3. Den – Sivuv tanec: Inversní pozice a akrobacie
– neděle 17. dubna od 9 – 17 hod – 1.560,- CZK/1.440,- CZK student
Cena za celý workshop 3.120,- CZK nebo 2.640,- CZK studentská cena
Podrobný program na ZDE registrace a informace email
nebo 736 647 156
AcroYoga blends the spiritual wisdom of yoga, the loving kindness of Thai massage, and the dynamic power of Acrobatics. These three ancient lineages form this practice that cultivates trust, connection and playfulness. This workshop is for all levels: no re-requisites necessary! Come alone or bring a friend!
First Flight: Introduction to AcroYoga
Friday April 15th, from 8 to 10 p.m.
price 720 czk or 600 czk student price
This evening is the perfect chance for beginners and advanced practitioners alike to get familiar with the AcroYoga fun!damentals. Together we will explore all three aspects of this healing practice: yoga, acrobatics and thai massage. Supported on the hands and feet of our partner, we will bring our yoga poses into the air, discovering fun and creative ways to come more fully into the asanas with the help of partners. Feel what it is like to „fly high“, open your heart to the sky, and deepen trust in others and most importantly yourself!
Kiss the Earth with “Therapeutic Flying“
price 1560 czk or 1440 czk student price
Saturday, 16th. April, from 10 a.m. To 5:30 p.m. with 90 min. lunch break (1 to 2:30 p.m.)
Welcome to the sacred dance of Thai massage! We will explore the element of metta (loving kindness) in Flying Therapeutic flows, deepening our connection to the earth and our own center. We will cultivate the supporting and nurturing qualities of the earth in our bodies, discovering more stability, inner quiet, trust and steadiness. Using self-healing techniques we will connect to our heart, enabling us to give from a place of abundance, and also enabling us to to receive. Learn to understand the language of your body, to listen when it speaks to you and know what it needs. Discover which parts of you desire more softness, love and care, and which parts are strong, supportive and able to give. Using thaimassage basics we will learn therapeutic flying techniques that help us to release tension and completely absorb healing touch into our body. Experience the sweet surrender to gravity, as the earths pull enables us to come deeper into twists and stretches and carries us into a deep state of relaxation.
Shivas Dance: Inversions and Acrobatics
price 1560 czk or 1440 czk student price
Sunday, 17th April, from 9 a.m. To 5 p.m. with 2 hours lunch break ( 1 to 3 p.m.)
In Hindu Mythology, Shiva is known as the God of transformation and is a powerful symbol of change. When we invite new and good things into our life, it often means letting go of that which no longer serve us. Through the dance of acrobatics we empower ourselves to let go of fear, becoming more graceful and confident in our bodies. Using the laws of body mechanics and techniques that help us stay tighter and
cultivate strength, we open more possibilities to our practice and experience how easy acrobatics can be! We will play with inversions, partner balancing, and our connection to our core, the energy center of the manipura (solar plexus) chakra. By working together as a team we create a safe and playful environment. Let your inner child shine through! Pre-requisites: prior AcroYoga experience (ex. the Friday or Saturday workshop), or a free-standing headstand.
A Short Bio about teachers:
Sophia Gros and Winfried Ruhs are both passionate yogis and bodyworkers. As teachers they are able to transmit their joy and knowledge to students in a deep yet playful way. It is their highest aim to help others live from and connect with their heart. Both Sophia and Winni teach Yoga (Vinyasa Flow, Hatha and AcroYoga) and Thai Massage in their hometown Munich, Germany and internationally. They are also both Reiki practitioners. Sophia is a certified AcroYoga teacher.