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Hormone Yoga Therapy for Women by Dinah Rodrigues

16.01. - 23.01.2018
Hormone yoga therapy is a complementary natural therapy used to bring balance to our hormone mechanism. This is done by stimulating hormone secreting glands and their hormone production.
The technique was developed by Brazilian psychologist Dinah Rodriguez (90 years old) who has used her 30 years of yoga experience and detailed examination of human physiology when creating the method. Hormone yoga therapy is also supported by a research and is known and taught worldwide.
Methods used include set of asanas (yoga positions), breathing, visualisation, yoga nidra (yogic sleep), bandhas (special body locks used in yoga), mudras (special hand expressions used in yoga) and Tibetian energy navigation. Since stress has adverse effect on general health, it is the key factor that needs to be eliminated. Therefore we will also focus on reducing stress through anti-stress exercises.
Hormone yoga therapy works on physical, physiological, emotional and energetic levels. It is faster and more efficient in achieving results than traditional Yoga.
What does Hormone Yoga Therapy help with?
• Menopause
• Pre-menopause
• Menstrual irregularities
• Low libido
• Incontinence
• Insomnia
• Emotional instability
• PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome)
• Osteoporosis
• Ovarian cyst
• Hypothyroidism
• Polycystic ovaries
• Carpal tunnel syndrome
• Dry skin, hair falling, broken nails
During the seminar you will be taught hormonal yoga therapy series. We will go through each position carefully connecting it with our breath and visualization. At the end of the workshop you should be able to practice the series on your own at home.
To learn more about me and the seminar and you can contact me at aylinklaudie@gmail.com, facebook.com/yogalin.aylin, 0042 0 603 184 768 or https://www.yogalinaylin.com/kontakt.
To learn more about Dinah Rodriguez and hormone yoga therapy please visit:
Apply here: http://hortenzie.com/terminy/hormonalni-joga-zeny-seminare/16-01-2018-17-00-aylin-akyolova-seminar-hormon-yoga-therapy-women-prague-studio-hortenzie/
Price: 2.800 CZK

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Studio:Studio Hortenzie


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