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Dechen Thurman zpět v Praze!

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Enfant Terrible Dechen Karl Thurman přijíždí opět do Prahy.  Prague Spirit Festival si Vás dovoluje pozvat na podzimní Jivamukti jógový seminář “Be the Change”  a “Planet Asana” . Letošní semináře budou opět vyjímečné, navíc workshopy to nekončí. Dechen připravil také společně s Marti Procházkovou retreat “Solar Serpent Spiritual” na usedlosti U Honese u Domažlic.
Na co se můžete těšit a co pro Vás Dechen připravil tentokráte přinášíme v našem rozhovoru.

This is not your first visit in Prague, what impressed you the most last time?

Last year I taught at the Kino Lucerna and the Prague Spirit Festival. The Czech yogis have so much enthusiasm to practice and study. It is a real pleasure to bring what new yoga lessons I have developed back to Prague this autumn 2015.

Kam a kdy zajít na Dechena?
8.10.2015 Workshop: "Be The Change" Fitlight Praha
9.10. - 11.10.2015 Retreat: "Solar Serpent Spiritual" u Domažlic
12.10.2015 Workshop: "Planet Asana" studio Nuevo

Could you tell us more about your wokrshop?

I am teaching about Yoga and Time. How to clarify the active memory and the long term memory. if we do this even partially, we can have good memories without comparing the practical present to the ideal of the past.
I have a special class about Vinyasa Krama, the art of yoga sequencing. How to use pranayama and sequencing to create gradual but inevitable progress in each and every asana.
There is a class on macrocosmic metacognition, imagining the sun moon and planets while breathing in and out so that the experience body and mind, earth and heavens, are reduced to primal mass and charge.
There is a section on healing hand positions in meditation, or mudras. mudras for restoring health, mudras for strengthening desires and mudras for connecting to the higher self. And there is a long meditative chant to Ganesha, Lord of Obstacles , a chant that focuses the concentration and will on a practical goal and gives the voice many chances to express what it wants in a variety of ways.

Who should come and join this event?

Masters tend to appreciate my combinations of techniques. They respect my interpretations are within sincere respect for tradition even though they are creative. Yet I never leave a beginner behind. Everything in yoga should be explainable to a seven year old. No “yoga snobs”. Just people who want to explore and enjoy yoga (which is also serious sometimes).

Is there anything you wish that people will leave with?

Sweat, inspiring music, compassion in the heart, some precise techniques and some human moment of humor and imperfection. I want to share techniques, but also my passion and wisdom for learning itself.  I want people to get the concept of yoga as well as the content I provide.  I want to disappear into the intuition of the students.  I cannot predict everything that will happen.  I can only set the balancing forces in motion and learn myself from what happens to us all in the moment.

What made you happy lately?

Autumn colors make me happy.  Watching the green leaves turn orange and brown, hearing the wind rustling through the trees.  The squash and pumpkin in season, the treats of harvest time.  Fresh air.  Making new friends and honoring the past.

Více o Dechen Thurman na jeho webu.

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29.09.2015 - 21:42

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