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Hatha Yoga & Yoga Nidra

Driven by the wish to find answers to her existential doubts Carmen discovered yoga at the age of 16 in Switzerland, where she grew up. Since then yoga become for her a journey of self discovery and a wonderful tool to bring harmony into her life. She passed through different periods and styles. She investigated the static and anatomy of poses through Iyengar Yoga and the French method of anatomy and movement from Blandine. Seeking after to integrate the movement and flowing in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and Dynamic Yoga with Godfrey Devereux. For her it is important to keep the balance in between mental and physical practice, she considers that we have to reinforce the dialog in between body, heart and mind, and learn how to distinguish the different voices that are moving us. Carmen learned several tantric meditation techniques in the linage of Swami Satyananda Saraswati with Swami Digambarananda Saraswati, such as yoga nidra and chakra sadhana.

In her classes she works on three levels: physical, emotional and mental, guiding the practitioner to the reconnection with its true nature through the experience of breathing, observing and feeling, so that one realizes, that we have a peaceful place, a restful place within, where our essence dwells and that we can come back to it whenever we want.

She teaches her yoga classes in English but offers also the possibility of individual yoga lessons in Spanish, German or French. She has a degree in Transpersonal Psychology and offers individual therapy including introduction into meditation, psychomagical healing rituals and emotional education. Carmen creates retreats and workshops in nature, using the nature as main vehicle to reconnect and purifiy the mind.

Aktuální rozvrh:http://www.isvara.cz/Cj/rozvrh.htm
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