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Shat Kriya english

“Med sleshmadhika poorva shatkarmani samacharethu annyasthu nacharethani doshanam sambhavathaha”

(Hathayoga Prathipika)

“One who is of a flabby and phlegmatic constitution should first practice the six kriyas. Others should not, as they have not these defects, the three humors (vāta-wind, pitta-bile & kapha-phlegm) being equal in them.”

As healthy body and mind is important for spiritual upliftment and peace of mind, yoga recommends these cleansing practices to the beginners as well as to the intermediates in yoga. Once his body and immune system gets healthy, he doesn’t continue this practice.

Kriyas clean our entire internal systems, break psychological barriers, shatter the forces of tamas and bring balance in the three basic principles (vāta, pitta & kapha) that, according to Ayurveda, keep us healthy.

Purity of the body is an important part of yoga. When the body is clean, the prana and the mind will be positively affected. Kriya, Asana & Pranayama build the base for the higher yogic practices like Dhārana, Dhyāna, and Samadhi.

The following explanation is according to the theory of the five sheaths of human existence (Pancha Kosa Tattwa) and how the kriyas influence them.

On ANAMAYAKOSA (Physical sheath)

Kriyas can be put under the ‘soucha’ in ‘Hathayoga’. Soucha is the internal and external purification. Purity of the body is an important part of yoga. When the body is clean it effects to the mind and prana. Shat Kriya makes asana practice easy and improves flexibility. Kriya offers you the opportunity to cleanse/free your body from poisons and residues. By the elimination of impurities, the kriyas (Mala Suddhi) bring down the body activity to a minimum level that facilitates the body to work smoothly. It cures urinary disorders, disorders of digestion, diseases of the bowls, diseases arising from the excess of wind, bile & phlegm.

On PRĀNAMAYAKOSA (Vital sheath)

The nervous system is positively influenced and the whole immune system is being strengthened. Kriyas work mainly at the pranic level. They purify the nādis and remov blockages of prana in the nādis, which directly influences the immune and nervous system. They help to gain control over the panchaprānas (five main pranas in our body) and activate and remove energy blockages in chakras.

On MANOMAYAKOSA (Emotional sheath of mind)

Kriya also works at mental level. It works against tamasic nature, which is effective by depression. Kriya creates a feeling of light weightiness to the mind and helps in psychological problems like stress, tension, anxiety etc.


Unlike what generally people understand about kriya, it is not just a physical cleansing technique. Its benefit is mainly in pranic level and so in mental level too. Benefit in prānic level means strong and effective immune system. So it is therapeutically very useful. Kriya plays a very important role in yoga therapy. For example vamana dhouti or also known as kunjal kriya is very useful in the therapy for allergy & asthma, migraine, psychological problems and so on. One has to practice kriya considering other factors of the patient.

“ Dhoutir_basthi_sthadha nethis_thratakam noulikam thadha kapalabhathi_schaithani shatkarmani prachakshathe”

(Hathayoga Prathipika)

“The six cleansing techniques are: Dhouti (for stomach), bhasti (for bowls), Neti (for nostrils), Trataka (for eyes), Nauli (for intestines & abdominal organs) & Kapalabhati (for lungs)”.

There are more kriyas from other scriptures like netra neti, danda doudhi, sankaprakshalana, vathasarakriya etc. Kriya should be practised in the morning when the stomach is empty. Relax enough after the practice depending on the type of kriya. Drink a cup of milk or eat light and non-spicy food after the relaxation in case of dhouti and sankhaprakshalana. In advanced stage, one can fast all day after the practice of kriyas like dhouti and sankaprakshalana. Avoid the kriya practice when the body is weak, when suffering from ulcer, headache, or any acute diseases and during period and pregnancy. Before practicing, patients should consult an expert. Kriyas should be learned under an expert guidance.

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30.06.2014 - 13:41

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